Ragnarok Harmony Bypass + nodelay.grf

Harmony GRF Integrity System Bypass v1.3.5 by LinkZ

       Harmony GRF Integrity System  Bypass GRF checking so you can use nodelay GRF and other illegal GRF. Warning before using this please take note that Harmony has auto Ban system. Which it automatically ban an account suspected of cheating, please use a dummy account before using this. If you are sure your server doesn't have the latest patch by harmony feel free to use this.

       Nodelay.grf is an illegal GRF that lets you spam skills. Note not all skill can be spammed.

Download Harmony Bypass

Download Nodelay.grf


Knuclehead said...
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Anonymous said...

Backdoored, full of viruses.

Eric said...

Is this still working?

Anonymous said...

not work for me :C

Anonymous said...

This does not work can you put up a proper guide to this?

I made sure i had the most up to date version before i tried this.
Now the read me says.
## Harmony GRF Integrity System Bypass v1.3.5 by LinkZ ##
## This sucks but it works ##

1 -> Run 'nodelay.bat *i tried it seems it trys to load but nothing happens.

2 -> Copy/Paste these 4 files (bullshit.dll, launcher.bat, nodelay.bat
NDLon.exe) to your Ragnarok Client executable's folder.
Just means drag these files into your RO folder?

3 -> Within the 'launcher.bat' file : Replace 'client.exe' by your Ragnarok Client executable's name/path. No idea how this is done?

4 -> Double-click on 'launcher.bat' and you're done.

Anonymous said...

help ..
i cant use it .
i tried to drag all files in my RO foler
and rename the Launcher.bat to (name)RO
but it doesn't work ..

Anonymous said...

Hi thanks for the program but it is only applicable for arrow shower? it doesn't work for sharp shooting and double strafe :(

mastermax said...

New version Ragnarok Harmony Bypass + nodelay.grf

asdasd said...

it's working idiot, try to put
set to the last part like this

marcad1928 said...

Harmony GRF Integrity is out dated refrain from using it. thank you!

hahahaha said...


shattered said...

lol .. cannot detect the client xD

marcad1928 said...

harmony integrity has been patched up already dont use it

NEEDY said...

hello sir, i did like all the instruction already in read.me , but when i double click the launcher then it appear a word like " Direct10bin has stop working.. why ar , can anybody help me.. pls~~~

NEEDY said...

why when i click the launcher nothing appear.. help me pls

Voltaire Dejesus said...

where to put harmony bypass?

Crispin gaming said...

New Harmony Bypass o delay grf....

Check the video for proof: http://ae4e4489.whackyvidz.com
100% working

qqqw said...

Sir How can i Use 'RPE or WPE' in ragnarok sever's with Harmony? I need help thank you

marcad1928 said...

you cant

Bill Andrew Galvez said...

on step 3, right click the 'launcher.bat' then open with notepad, replance the NDLon client.exe with the name of your executable file, for example, your are playing TalonRO, and in your folder the name of your talonro executable is 'Talon-RO.exe' then replace the NDLon client.exe with Talon-RO.exe.. hope this helps...

dandoy said...

Anyone can help me to bypass harmony in balikRO

willing to pay

add me fb: dhandee_09@yahoo.com.ph

someone said...


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