EuropeRO Medic

EuropeRO Medic Beta Version

Auto use potion on less than 50% hp or SP.
Z = HP potion  |  X = SP Potion
Change`able delay the lower the Delay the faster it will heal.
(Note : The lesser the delay the more stress it will give on your PC)
if you have a fast PC don't mind and go with 0 delay.
Global Hotkey "END" Key to terminate program.

For a full version contact me.
Can change the hp percentage when to using pots.
Can change the pots hotkeys.
Auto use panacea/green pot when silenced/Cursed.


Fresh Doumbledoor said...

After so long time i would ask u for finishing this nice prog!?
I tould u i will pay for it, and now u dont write back mails oder comments...
Is tgis project complet dead or not?

I hopp u finish it....


Unknown said...

Im sorry Fresh I lost my Gmail account and had to create a new one, Pm me on or reffer to this

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